Nevertheless, I took my boys to Toys 'R Us and we were looking at action figures and there, across the aisle and on the end display, were Twilight Barbies -- as in Barbie dolls which are made with the licensed features of the main characters from Twilight.
Which I thought was strange, but I sorta kinda get it. Teenage girls might want to own Bella Barbie so they can have a re-enactment between her and Edward (Ken) or her and Jacob (Ken). Or maybe a fight scene between Edward (Ken) and Jacob (Ken). Or maybe a scene with all three of them. Or some sort of scene just between the two guys. Some sort of fan fiction fun.
I dunno. I guess. Whatever.

But the really strange thing was that further down the aisle they had Cyndi Lauper Barbie, Joan Jett Barbie and (my personal fave) Debbie Harry Barbie.

And I wondered that if I could go back to New York City in my time machine and visit Debbie Harry in the '70s at her peak at Studio 54 and show her what the 21st Century held for her, whether she'd be thrilled or whether she'd just throw up all over Andy Warhol and blame it all on him.
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