And I can scribble here a bit. For instance...
Yesterday I met a friend for lunch and we got talking about death, cuz isn't that what everyone talks about over lunch?
We talked about making amends with friends and family before you die.

And I said that I want to have a heart attack but linger in the hospital for a week -- just enough time so everyone can come visit and I can make peace with everyone.
"It would be a hollywood death," my friend responded. "Heart attack, but healthy on your death bed."
That was it exactly. I'd tell my brother that I was sorry I made him drink tabasco when we were kids. He'd say he forgives me. Stuff like that.
And then, a week later, with my family gathered around, I would quietly, beautifully and peacefully shuffle off this mortal coil. There'd be tears (oh, let's make it "countless tears"), but there would be some sense of relief that everyone got to say good-bye one last time.
The perfect movie death.
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