1. When I was as a teenager I remember being giddy on the Tuesday after Labor Day because I would run to the local variety store and grab the Fall Preview issue of TV Guide. I read that puppy like it was my new best friend and learned about all of the great new shows. School was fun, but the fall preview issue of TV Guide was better. And for a long time (much too long) I kept all the issues.
And now TV Guide no longer exists and the fall tv season premieres run through September, October and November, and I am therefore ever so slightly less giddy than I used to be. - sigh -

I have always thought that story was kind of cool. Labor Day becomes Lingerie Day! There's a holiday every couple could celebrate!!
3. I didn't realize the proper spelling until a couple of days ago -- so it's been a lifetime of spelling the word incorrectly in my mind...
But now it seems quite obvious that "symmetry" has two m's otherwise it would look unbalanced and untrue to itself.
4. I found myself pondering this the other day...
A man and woman are hurrying through a door as they run across a wet floor.
It's a true battle of the Titans. Which wins: ladies first or safety first?
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