Sunday, August 8, 2010

Stress to the power of a gazillion

My lovely wife is tired of the word "stress".

As in: "You guys must be under a lot of stress right now, with the move and everything."

Buying a house, selling the house, keeping the house constantly clean and immaculately show-worthy, packing, moving, her starting a new job, searching for the same, boys at a new school, new town, leaving the neighborhood we love, hoping it's the right decision, changing magazine addresses, doing battle with companies for phone and internet, and having to figure out how to transport the guinea pigs and goldfish without killing them.

(Damn, hadn't thought of the last one until just now.)

Yep, that's a lot of burning hot coals to keep juggling.

The other day, at our lawyer's office, as we were signing all the paperwork for the new house, the lawyer said, "You guys must be under a lot of stress" and my wife commented to me after our lawyer had left the room...

"I'm tired of people saying that. 'You must be under a lot of stress.' This is beyond stress. 'Stress' is a word that people use too often. This isn't stress anymore. This is... This is... This is just Fuckery."

And I agreed. It was the perfect word for our situation.

I shared her turn of phrase with some people. And they thought it was perfect. It's beyond stress. It's moved onto a new level of decrepit crapitude.

So we are no longer under stress; we are in a state of Fuckery.

And that is not a place we want to be.

It can end soon.


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